Tag: Jesus

Reflection over 2012 to 2013

Reflecting back on the past year, much has transpired since I started this blog; just to name a few, a presidential election, the selection of a new pope (Francis I), several mass murders, etc. I’ve asked myself several times: Where…

The Malignity of Sin

published: Dec. 14, 2012 | updated: December 15, 2012 What a sad day; Shootings in Connecticut1 where, so far, 20 students and 8 others (including the 20 year old culprit and his mother) confirmed dead from a senseless act. Another…

Is Jesus Still Omnipresent?

I heard an interesting question which caused me to reflect for a while. The question, “Did Jesus regain His omnipresence when He went back to heaven? In one of my other articles, “An Aussie vs. Dwight Nelson: “Trinity Under Fire”…

Adventists Don’t Know Christ…

Many of you around at the time will remember the “Bo Knows” ad campaign from the late 1980’s with baseball/football player Bo Jackson. The ads “envisioned Jackson attempting to take up a litany of other sports, including tennis, golf, luge, auto…

Did Christ Have a Beginning?**

Did Christ Have a Beginning?         In my dialogues with anti-Trinitarian Seventh-day Adventists, I have regularly encountered the assertion that Psalm 2:7 shows that Christ was begotten by the Father prior to the incarnation, in eternity: “‘I will declare the…