Category: Uncategorized

What is truth?

Many universities include the Latin word “Veritas“, meaning truth, in their mottos. Yet what many at these universities teach is a relative truth1. “Our children are losing their moral compass and lashing out in violence like never before. Our schools…

They Don’t Get It

I ran across an article, of all places, in Spectrum Magazine. It’s my practice, for the most part, to not mention their name when I run across something they write, but this time I make an exception. One particular quote…

Get Ready…It’s Coming!

“We are entering a whole new realm when we force people to express themselves and use their heart, their head and their hands to create something that violates who they are.”1 This quote, by Kristen Waggoner, an attorney with Alliance…

Reflection over 2012 to 2013

Reflecting back on the past year, much has transpired since I started this blog; just to name a few, a presidential election, the selection of a new pope (Francis I), several mass murders, etc. I’ve asked myself several times: Where…

The Malignity of Sin

published: Dec. 14, 2012 | updated: December 15, 2012 What a sad day; Shootings in Connecticut1 where, so far, 20 students and 8 others (including the 20 year old culprit and his mother) confirmed dead from a senseless act. Another…

Should We Celebrate Christmas?*

Should We Celebrate Christmas?* Dec. 04, 2012 Most Christians around the globe observe December 25 as a holiday to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. (Of course, even many non-Christians now celebrate this festival with gift giving and social gatherings.)…